She Knows embraces a collaborative and spontaneous approach to music production, often blurring the lines
between electronic sub-genres: from ambient interludes to also a little bit twisted and wacky synth lines.

Artist: She Knows
Title: Nervous Bliss
Label: Bar 25 Music
Release: 17.05.2024
01 She Knows - Nervous Bliss (Original Mix)
02 She Knows - Hechizo (Original Mix)
03 She Knows - Espacios (Original Mix)
04 She Knows - Floating River (Original Mix)
05 She Knows - Caramelos, Palo Santo (Original Mix)
06 She Knows - Sektor Evolution (Original Mix)
07 She Knows - Every Feeling (Original Mix)
08 She Knows - Sand (Original Mix)
Mastering: Rob Small
Artwork: Fabiana Gallegos, Spencer Robens Designs
Videos: Fabiana Gallegos
Press Picture: Mirabólica.filmes, Katrin Lange
Press Tex: Marlen Halser (Original Version in German)
Writers & Producers: Teresa Tomás, Marcel Dadalto
She Knows - Nervous Bliss [BAR25-210]
In a total of eight danceable, melodic songs the electronic duo formed by Teresa Tomás and Marcel Dadalto explore the different facets of a feeling we all know and seek with her unmistakably smoky voice, which sounds like a welcome, intimate, loving touch: the excited fluttering in the pit of the stomach when our nervous system is flooded with feelings of happiness. For example, when a mind-expanding trip or intoxication sets in, or in a moment of absolute vulnerability whose raw nakedness carries an unexpected thrill. A high, an electrifying moment in the face of absolute beauty, or in tune with the perfect frequency, but there is also a hint of nervousness in the air. "Nervous Bliss" fans out a symphony of feelings song after song: Love, joy, gratitude, awe, clarity, purpose and transcendence - uniting them into a fulfilling experience of bliss.
Artwork - "Nervous Bliss"
The visual input and references are to thank the Argentinian artist, curator, teacher and researcher Fabiana Gallegos, who has been a key collaborator as artistic director of Nervous Bliss. The video art compositions are dominated by the use of textures, image glitches, low-tech aesthetics, cinematic grain, fragmented visuals and multi-layered elements. Fabiana performances as an audio-visual and electronic artist are as visually captivating as they are socio-critical and characterized by questions of (gender) identity and appropriation.
The three videos of the album become a Triptych: for each song a different color, a different form, a different motif. Nervous Bliss is exploring the world of the senses, the perception, forms of communication: in the videos are represented with symbolic images three senses: an eye for sight, a mouth for taste and a hand for touch. Meanwhile, music stimulates the sense of hearing, and the act of joining and dancing with others awakens the sense of smell.
Drawing inspiration from the footage or archives of pioneering experimental cinema from the 1920s to the 1960s, these videos are more than just visual presentations. They embody a concept referred to by some researchers as "des-montaje," a term that encapsulates the deconstruction and reassembly of artistic elements.
Thanks to Fabiana's brilliant work, "Nervous Bliss" becomes an audiovisual journey in which past and present flow into each other like a collage.

Supported by Initiative Musik GmbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.